Casă de expediții
ID Cargopedia: (ascuns)
Activitate pe Cargopedia
WESTLINE organises your loads by road throughout the whole Europe, Russia and Turkey. We transport mainly consumer goods, metal, aluminium, steel coils, paper, wood, chemical and goods for the automotive industries as well as oversized and heavy goods - heat exchangers, agricultural machines, machinery, power trafos, wind turbines, metalic construction, cooling systems. WESTLINE organises the transportation for multinational companies and participate in many different transportation projects. We offer a wide range of additional services to the transportation : - road survey - booking of private and police escort - procurement of permits - organisation of all measures for the steering of traffic, closing of streets, dismantling of road signes and traffic lights - clarification of export documents - cargo insurance
Stare firmă: Funcțiune
- Nu apare în BPI (Buletinul Procedurilor de Insolvență)
Reg. Com.:
Sediu social: STR...., B... R...
Activitate principală: Alte activități anexe transporturilor (CAEN: 5229)
- Cojoc...
Asociați / Acționari
- Cojoc... (? %)
- Cifră de afaceri: 202...
- Profit: 158...
- Casă și bancă: 108...
- Capitaluri: 160...
- Datorii către stat: ? (ascuns)
- Capital social: 200...
- Număr mediu de angajați: ? (ascuns)
* Date din bilanțul fiscal publicat la 31.12.2023
Date financiare complete și analiză pe ani »