Casă de expediții

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Established in 2023, our company SBC Logistics Romania is a part of the Schneckenreither Group. The Group is a leading provider of innovative transport and logistics solutions and for more than 60 years has been providing reliable, efficient, and cost-efficient services to businesses all over Europe. Our mission is to streamline the world of transport and logistics. We aim to remove the complexities and offer simple, transparent, and tailored solutions that meet your specific business needs. We specialize in a wide range of logistics services including freight forwarding, warehousing, customs clearance and supply chain management. Our team of dedicated professionals works round the clock to ensure your goods reach their destination safely and on time. Some of the industries we serve as a group: Automotive, Retail, Construction, Defense & Healthcare. Name of Group: Internationale Spedition Schneckenreither Gesellschaft m.b.H. Registered headquarters: 4052 Ansfelden. Year of foundation: 1970 Staff: approx. 550 * branches in total: 16 * locations in Austria: 13 * locations abroad. 3 * own companies fleet within the group. 158 * swap bodies. warehouse area:over 55.000 m² self managed * (*) figures refer to the entire group.

Stare firmă: Funcțiune

  • Nu apare în BPI (Buletinul Procedurilor de Insolvență)

CIF: RO49101849
Reg. Com.: J40/21358/2023

Sediu social: B-DUL..., S... 2...

Activitate principală: Transporturi rutiere de mărfuri (CAEN: 4941)

Salariați: 2

Persoane din conducere


  • Boang...

Asociați / Acționari

  • Saw-I... (? %)
Date financiare
Rating financiar: 58%
Ratingul financiar este calculat după un algoritm complex, analizând indicatorii financiari din ultimul bilanț contabil (2023). Un rating financiar scăzut semnalează riscul ca, în lipsa unui împrumut, firma respectivă să intre în insolvență în viitorul apropiat.
  • Cifră de afaceri: 736...
  • Profit: -14...
  • Casă și bancă: 180...
  • Capitaluri: 102...
  • Datorii: 177...
  • Datorii către stat: ? (ascuns)
  • Capital social: 248...

* Indicatori raportați la 31.12.2023 (ultimul bilanț publicat)

Date financiare complete și analiză pe ani »
B-DUL..., S... 2...
Erna... (Dispecer / Planner)