Cargopedia și Bursa de transport marfă Cargopedia sunt mărci înregistrate ale Cargopedia SRL
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ID Cargopedia: (ascuns)
Mapler s.r.o. has been on the market since 2011. We are in the Pilsen Region, close to the city of Pilsen. The fleet is strategically located near motorways and important first-class roads. Our fleet consists of 18 vehicle combinations and approximately 5,500 shipments take place annually.
CIF: CZ 29115051
Sediu social: Sušic..., P... P...
Activitate principală: (CAEN: 45.20 Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles; 49.41 Freight transport by road; 52 Warehousing and support activities for transportation; 52.29 Other transportation support activities; 68.20 Renting and operating of own or leased real estate,)
Nr. licență: ? (ascuns)
Valabilitate: ? (ascuns)