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Kayatur Logistics Inc. It was founded in 1991 by Osman Kaya in Mersin. In the early days, it invested in a refrigerated fleet in line with the need for international road transport, and concentrated its activities mainly on the Middle East Countries until the Gulf War. Our company, which turned to European countries after the Gulf War, moved its headquarters to Istanbul in 2003. First of all, the company continued its investments by purchasing tarpaulin vehicles according to the needs. In 2008, due to the quotas set by European countries, a Kayatur company was established by Osman Kaya in Bucharest, Romania with 10.000 m2 truck park and 27 special vehicles in order to provide better service to its customers and to compete. CURRENTLY… Our headquarter is located in Istanbul also where we have our garage and vehicle park, on the other hand, we also have Mersin, Bursa, and Izmir branch offices and Kayatur S.R.L in Bucharest Romania. We have services to all European countries but our main destinations are Germany, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia. Also with our agencies in Austria and Czech Republic, our aim is to provide the best service to all our clients. Besides, we carry full truck loads from the above said European Countries to Georgia and Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkmenistan and Irak, Iran and from these countries to Europe destinations. WE HAVE CURRENTLY 110 VEHICLES. 70 PERCENT OF VEHICLES ARE MEGA; 30 PERCENT ARE STANDARD VEHICLES. Kayatur Group is awarded ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certificates Kayatur Group is a member of U.N.D (International Transporters Association)